McCamey ISD 2021-2022 Hall of Honor Inductee Ceremony. Please join us as we induct Mr Jim Collett.

Midland College Respiratory Therapy Students present to McCamey High School, Middle School , and 4th grade the harms of Vaping. Great job Midland College

McCamey High Schools thanks Mrs. Carrillo for ALL her hard work.
Go Badgers!

Letterman Jacket Fittings: all students who qualified were given a packet at school.

Today is the LAST DAY to order prom photos! Click on the link!


McCamey ISD current job openings

Badgers In Action
April 25-30

Link to order prom photos. Photos will start at 7:30pm. Link will be open until Tuesday.

Schreiner Diner was busy this week!

AR extra recess time! Woo hoo!

3rd Grade math stars!

Our 2nd graders are on fire!

Prom info

AR Clubs. Radical readers!

AR Clubs! Way to go, readers!

Regional Qualifiers Track Shirts. Orders due this Friday (4/22/22) by 2:00pm. No late orders will be accepted.

Primary Badgers of the Month!

Primary A Honor roll!

Primary AB Honor roll!